Anthony Cemaluk C. Egbuonu, an Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Nigeria, has sixty two scientific papers published. He is an internationally recognized expert in Biochemistry and Toxicology. He is regularly sought after and requested reviewer of many international journals. His current research interests include biochemical assessment of conventional and unconventional foods and food wastes and the influence of such, L-arginine and L-glutamate on common food contaminants and drugs-intoxicated animal models. Dr. Egbuonu is a member of Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB) and has attended and presented papers in national conferences. His current h-index and i10-index in Google Scholar are 14 and 17, respectively. Based on review and editing activities, Dr. Egbuonu ranks forty-eighth (48th) among researchers in all fields and fifth (5th) among researchers in Biological Sciences out of over one hundred thousand (100,000) global researchers on Publons verified reviewers. Thus, under institutional ranking by Publons, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike ranked first based on total review and merits due essentially to Dr Egbuonu’s reviews and total merits of 1316.