Wild Edible Mushrooms of Rourkela Forest Division, Odisha, India

Jashabanta Sethi

Rourkela Forest Division, Rourkela, Odisha, India.

Sweta Mishra

Biodiversity and Conservation Laboratory, Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Odisha, India.

Sanjeet Kumar *

Biodiversity and Conservation Laboratory, Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Odisha, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


12 wild edible mushrooms (WEM) are collected from Rourkela Forest Division, Odisha, India, and presented here along with the local name, availability, and economic values. Out of 12 enumerated WEM, nine have economic values. The presented data could be useful to enhance the livelihood of local communities.

Keywords: Food problems, livelihood, sustainability, mushrooms, Odisha

How to Cite

Sethi, Jashabanta, Sweta Mishra, and Sanjeet Kumar. 2024. “Wild Edible Mushrooms of Rourkela Forest Division, Odisha, India”. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 23 (10):83-87. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajee/2024/v23i10611.