Distribution of an Isopod Parasite Mothocya renardi in the Host Strongylura leiura from Arabian Sea Gujarat Coast, India

Ritesh V. Borichangar

Department of Fisheries Resource Management, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University Navsari, 396 450, India.

Mihir R. Patel

Department of Aquatic Animal Health Management, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University Navsari, 396 450, India.

Jeet N. Parmar *

Department of Fisheries Resource Management, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University Navsari, 396 450, India.

Jay B. Patel

Department of Aquatic Animal Health Management, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University Navsari, 396 450, India.

Sheetal K. Bharda

Department of Fisheries Resource Management, ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Education Mumbai, 400 061, India.

Dhruti P. Kotadiya

Department of Fisheries Resource Management, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University Navsari, 396 450, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Crustacean isopod parasites, particularly in the marine environment, are prevalent around warmer seas and can significantly impact local fish populations. Mothocya renardi, a notable species of isopod parasites, commonly infests fishes in shallow, turbid coastal waters. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence, taxonomy, and morphology of M. renardi infesting Strongylura leiura in the Arabian Sea around the northwest coast of India. Samples were collected from Dholai fishing harbor (Navsari District of Gujarat), during the post-monsoon months. Three specimens of S. leiura were found infected with pairs of male and female M. renardi in the brachial chambers, with all female parasites being brooded ovigerous. Detailed morphological analysis confirmed the presence of M. renardi, extending its known geographical range to the Arabian Sea.

Keywords: Isopod parasite, Mothocya renardi, Strongylura leiura, Arabian sea, India

How to Cite

Borichangar, Ritesh V., Mihir R. Patel, Jeet N. Parmar, Jay B. Patel, Sheetal K. Bharda, and Dhruti P. Kotadiya. 2024. “Distribution of an Isopod Parasite Mothocya Renardi in the Host Strongylura Leiura from Arabian Sea Gujarat Coast, India”. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 23 (8):11-17. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajee/2024/v23i8580.